Tacoamigo777. 22 || everywhere but nowhere at the same time || twitter @tacoamigo777. Tacoamigo777

 22 || everywhere but nowhere at the same time || twitter @tacoamigo777[email protected] #ruhyawn : man, i just wanna have fun 😒 #sapnap : girls 🥰 just 🥰 wanna 🥰 have 🥰 fun 🥰 sapnap is one of the girlies 🏳️‍🌈 💅🏽 💞 0:07of course dream got yung gravy to sing about piss" alt="Tacoamigo777 karl facetimed sapnap to confirm he isn’t going to twitchcon paris" style="filter: hue-rotate(-230deg) brightness(1.05) contrast(1.05);" />

shadoune leaning in to see if sapnap & george were about to kiss i’m crying. 8K Likes, 514 [email protected]. he wrote an apology on tumblr saying he’s going to make an official statement later on twitter & stream, but not by the next stream. #dream: probably a second, a third, a fourth… #technodad: [puts stethoscope on dream’s crotch] DREAM & TECHNODAD ARE THE BEST 😭💞”george showing off his giant chicken nugget pillow 😭 🍗 🔥@TacoAmigo777. #sapnap: no problem. SAPNAP 👏🏽 SPEAKING 👏🏽 FACTS 👏🏽”@TacoAmigo777 sapnap traded in his tesla model s for a porsche taycan turbo s. sapnap’s reaction to the green geckos being the first team out of sands of time. sapnap. “farfadox thought it was funny when george said “oh farfadox, el diablo! tengo sueño a mi lado!” when dream was in the room with him 😭”2K Likes, TikTok video from Alex 💙💚 (@tacoamigo777): "imagine sapnap with a british accent 😭 #fyp #fypシ #fy #foryou #foryoupage #dsmp #dreamsmp #sapnap #mcyt #clips #mcytclips. “#sapnap: wattpad bad, ao3 good. TikTok video from Alex 💙💚 (@tacoamigo777): "george was going to scream in sapnap’s face, but he remembered the last time he lost that fight 🗣️ #fyp #fypシ #fy #foryou #foryoupage. he knows something we don’t 🤭 #fyp #fypシ #fy #foryou #foryoupage #dsmp #dreamsmp. have some respect. sapnap is so expressive while telling stories 💀nintendo wii (mii channel). SAPNAP CAN BASICALLY FLY 😳🕊️🔥”Replying to @TacoAmigo777. #sapnap: wait, i forgot! our uber driver hit one of our friends. i’m completely normal right now 😳 😵‍💫 8:02 PM · May 25, 2023“BOTH HANDS TOO ?!?!? DREAM, YOU AREN’T SLICK 🤭”“george got the majority of the throws !!! his aim was so good 😳😮‍💨”@TacoAmigo777. “karl liking fanart of him & sapnap being skater boyfriends and now replying to fanart based off a threadfic of them becoming boyfriends is just perfect 😭💜🧡”“george: you get jealous easily, dream 😑 dream: wdym? i never get jealous 🙄 also dream:”“SAPNAP JUST FOLLOWED ME & LIKED MY TWEET ?!?!?!?!?”@tacoamigo777. “KARLNAP ARE CUDDLING ON THE COUCH 😭💜🧡”#austin: [karl’s] getting his beauty sleep. #george : that’s not true either. “#technodad: these test results are very concerning. “dream filmed the beginning of a 100k word dnf unrequited love, not actually unrequited love, miscommunication, slow burn fanfic 😔💔”@TacoAmigo777 #sapnap : like if i ever am not living in the US, it’s gonna be in london i’m pretty sure. #karl: thank you. 76. @VelvetIsCake. TikTok video from Alex 💙💚 (@tacoamigo777): "sapnap giggling at the dnf line is so funny. “GEORGE KNIFING THE BALLOON SAPNAP KICKED IN THE AIR WAS SO WILD 😭”“georgenotfound’s waist was meant to be held by dreamwastaken 🫂💙💚”“NOT SHADOUNE BITING GEORGE’S ARM ICBBB 😭💀”46K Likes, 230 Comments. 20. “#sapnap: why are you backing up from me? there you go. Bella @Bellaqtcat. 847. Watch the latest video from Alex 💙💚. #me: oh my god you’re right… i couldn’t help myself. he knows something we don’t 🤭 #fyp #fypシ #fy #foryou #foryoupage #dsmp #dreamsmp #dreamwastaken #georgenotfound #sapnap #dteam #dreamteam #larray #issa #twaimz #cancelledremix #mcyt #clips #mcytclips". TikTok video from Alex 💙💚 (@tacoamigo777): "sapnap loved the diss at karl’s kid’s choice awards outfit a little too much 💀 #fyp #fypシ #fy #foryou #[email protected] karlnap flirting: oh no what’s wrong? let me help you *kisses it better* 🥺 😔 😢 dnf flirting: ew 😂 you’re 😂 so 😂 obsessed 😂 with 😂 me 😂 stop 😂 it 😂dream is a triplet ?!?!?!? 😱😱😱 . #everyone: what?! #sapnap: but not like a huge hit, they didn’t get owned or anything, but it was like a little tap. imagine sapnap with a british accent after years of living in london 😭 💀it’d be so funny bc karl would look like the biggest sk8r boi and sapnap would look so hipster 🤭@tacoamigo777. 21 jan 2023 06:52:1752. “@gnfsupdates HI GEORGE 🥹🫶🏽💙”“george’s laughs when the stream showed the dteam & shadoune hug 😭💘💞💖”@TacoAmigo777 dream is the ceo of minecraft & the head of foreign relations for minecraft because of his new mod that live translates language above the player in-game. 33K. 7K Followers. #sapnap: i would rather have sex with george. karl facetimed sapnap to confirm he isn’t going to twitchcon paris. ayo . sapnap traded in his tesla model s for a porsche taycan turbo [email protected][email protected]. sapnap saying, “that’s like mega homophobic,” after george chose to die over making out with larray sent me. tbh if you really didn’t want to do it you could’ve picked something harder than 25k 😭“#sapnap: wanna play “would you rather?” #larray: mhmm. #me: have you seen the dream triplet edit? #dream: oh yea i have. 2,525. sapnap comes out. dream made a grave mistake didn’t he? 😭💀. 6K Likes, 112 Comments. [email protected]. TikTok video from Alex 💙💚 (@tacoamigo777): "in france, sapnap and his friends went to dior and got yelled at by a worker 😭 #fyp #fypシ #fy #foryou #foryoupage #dsmp #dreamsmp #sapnap #mcyt #clips #mcytclips #mcc #dior #paris #france". TikTok video from Alex 💙💚 (@tacoamigo777): "sapnap was not slick at all. “RT @TacoAmigo777: SPREEN CALLED DREAM, SAPNAP & FOOLISH “green screen, snapchat & totem” THEN DREAM CALLED SPREEN A “build-a-bear bitch” 💀…”85 Likes, TikTok video from Alex 💙💚 (@tacoamigo777): "sapnap sounded so zesty saying f 😭Lgbt - cupcakKe. #lucifer: you have to finally put it to rest, because i’m tired of it popping up on my timeline: are you an omega, alpha, or beta?… #dream: [disconnects lucifer] alright guys, um, this was a fun space!“@notfoundream karl drew his tattoo on me and my friend’s hands, then we got them tattooed the next day and showed him 💜”@TacoAmigo777 · May 25. he truly is changing the world 🌎“pov you’re dream at “la velada del año” 🫣”“the look of betrayal on dream’s face after george slapped him is so real. Fresh Strawberry Shakes. the pissbaby is back 😌 💚 💦“@KarlJacobs_ @AlbertsStuff @MakeItAQuote”george flashing his flashlight is giving the same energy as carly being flashed by the burglar alarm 🔦 😵‍💫“@KarlJacobs_ @dreamwastaken i’ll give you old, but idk about dingy 😀”TikTok video from Alex 💙💚 (@tacoamigo777): "sapnap giggling at the dnf line is so funny. || everywhere but nowhere at the same time ||@TacoAmigo777. alex ¹¹²⁺¹⁸⁸[email protected] dream thinks george not replying to the “george and i are not gay” tweet is “growth”, he tweeted “dnf has gone too far” bc he saw people saying dnf shared the mr. #sapnap: yea! [laughs] #austin: you guys wish you were gay. “@suckitgreenbowy @TacoAmigo777 @Dream Eww, it's so fucking toxic bro:(”“RT @TacoAmigo777: dream just got his visa & sapnap is about to face reveal. he checked out karl three times while undressing 😳😏 #fyp #fypシ #fy #dsmp #dreamsmp #karljacobs #sapnap #karlnap #karlnapedit #boyfriends #lcs #mcyt". sapnap drives a porsche now. he knew it was over. THE. dream might, i don’t know…“#cpk: titty wall! #sapnap: titty, titty. i can tell you for a fact that i don’t own one. dream is a triplet ?!?!?!? 😱😱😱 . they don’t know the damage they have caused by doing this. why the sudden panic? you afraid of larray spilling some secrets 🤭 💙 💚@TacoAmigo777 #larray : dream and george having matching butt plugs. he was playing a game and thanking [email protected] no one is ready for the karl jacobs snapchat girlie era. you have some crumbs on your lips or whatever… #karl: what, are you trying to get it from me? #sapnap: i mean, not yet. #sapnap: he doesn’t mean that, he doesn’t mean that. ·. “@karlnapsfav okay ethan karlnaps fav”@TacoAmigo777 sapnap doesn’t get invited to hang out with the beast crew in north carolina, because he’s really good friends with karl so he just “spawns in” 😭 💜 🧡 0:27#dream: alright, one question, go. ranboo addressed racism in his community on stream and it wasn’t as serious as it should’ve been. he was all smiley seeing george then BAM 😭👋🏽”alex 💙💚 ¹¹²⁺¹⁸⁸ on Twitter: "@dwttheestallion yooo that’s so sick! 🥰" / Twitter. “WHY DOES GEORGE KICK HIS LEG UP LIKE THAT WHEN HE THROWS A BASKETBALL 😭💀”@TacoAmigo777 with people deactivating their accounts after making serious claims about dream & others creating fake accounts to mock the situation, it shows how little people care about the trauma victims go through. beast merch but they didn’t & he didn’t realize the dnf shoes were in his snapchat until he saw it on his timeline…alex 💙💚 ¹¹²⁺¹⁸⁸ on Twitter: "@glitchsap @sapnapalt @sapnap they’re fireduo 😭🧡🔥" / Twitter. alex ¹¹²⁺¹⁸⁸. alex. sapnap drives a porsche now. IT’S BEEN LIKE 30 SECONDS WHAT IS HAPPENING 😀😭”“george really said 😲”@TacoAmigo777. @dreamwastaken. #technodad: i think we need a second opinion. sapnap. #sapnap: you’re going too far…sapnap got so jealous over austin complimenting karl 😳 🤭is somebody gonna photoshop the cat beanie goggles and headband on these frogs or do i have to do everything around hereAntfrost and I are not gay or in a gay relationship with each other I just thought I would clear up the common misconception. ““sapnap, hear me out, sapnap gets air. #michela: [laughs] #elaina: aw shit, let’s go? #sapnap: oh it’s big titty, holy shit. TikTok video from Alex 💙💚 (@tacoamigo777): "george was going to scream in sapnap’s face, but he remembered the last time he lost that fight 🗣️ #fyp #fypシ #fy #foryou #foryoupage #dsmp #dreamsmp #sapnap #georgenotfound #snf #mcyt #clips #mcytclips". @TacoAmigo777. #austin: [repeating audience question] if you could do anything in the world right now, what could you do? #george: i would bring karl up here. yooo that’s so sick! 🥰. #austin: he’s so adorable, karl jacobs. karl wants to make jewelry with you on stream sometime. i’m completely normal right now. we need more of dream speaking french. you can hate whoever you want, but to say “karl can be replaced” not even a minute after he announced he couldn’t go to paris is so low. #dream: yea, it says i have a big penis. I watched that compilation tho. #me: i’m so sorry… #dream: it became a reality with the promo videos. i just had to do it @dreamwastaken. karlnap. he can jump. we need a dtk “name your price” so bad, or at LEAST dream & sapnap since they haven’t been on the show yet. Order online now (PG store only) Current [email protected] #ruhyawn : man, i just wanna have fun 😒 #sapnap : girls 🥰 just 🥰 wanna 🥰 have 🥰 fun 🥰 sapnap is one of the girlies 🏳️‍🌈 💅🏽 💞 0:07of course dream got yung gravy to sing about piss. #larray: what? #george: we haven’t even started yet. like JUMP jump” DREAM WAS SO RIGHT. . “#dream: george, we need to be as straight as possible! the mic glitching at the end was my reaction 😵‍💫”George and I are not gay or in a gay relationship with each other I just thought I would clear up the common [email protected]. #sapnap: yea, he’s getting nice sleep instead of being on here. sapnap spamming “i’m about to walk in” in karl’s chat while sitting in his stream room. 21 jan 2023 06:52:17. slow down there cowboy…pride month has. dream saying “excusez-moi” was so perfect. george learned his lesson from last time 😈original sound - Alex 💙💚 . you’re so brave… #george: what? #sapnap: i said you’re so brave. they’re fireduo 😭🧡🔥. 4:48 AM · Jul 6, [email protected] Likes. 22 || everywhere but nowhere at the same time || twitter @tacoamigo777. sapnap laughing at the uber driver hitting a friend is making me think it was george. it was so cool. Alex 💙💚 (@tacoamigo777) on TikTok | 2. “george laughed when he saw “dnf is real” trending 🤭💙💚”“@tentensaplings @VelvetIsCake sapnap is trying to steal your man 🤭”203. @TacoAmigo777. 4:41 PM · Jul 8, 2023. imagine karl appearing in a dream mirror selfie, making smoothies with sapnap, debating with george about apple vs orange juice, or laying with. @TacoAmigo777. #george: for what? #sapnap: for coming close to me… sapnap’s voice made me do a backflip holy f- 😳😮‍💨”sapnap showed the butthole nair video on youtube and dream said george was so excited to see it ?!?!? 😀 😭14K Likes, 39 Comments. sapnap. sapnap always looks at karl undress…som original - lyriics musiics . masked dream was a huge era in his life, but wearing all-black means a time of mourning. sapnap got so defensive over karl. 2K Likes, 128 Comments. what if the song is face reveal dream mourning the loss of faceless dream, but he finally has sapnap & george together so it was all worth it…“@GeorgeNootFound WOOOOOOOOO 🥹🥹🥹”#sapnap: yea, i love your little hat. the prank on shadoune was for bonk to take him away from the dteam 😭 💀@TacoAmigo777 dream’s music video is going to be emotional. the dteam meetup is finally happening after so many years 😭💖💞💘…”drop a sapnap nrg x kappa jacket photoshoot and i’ll consider getting the jacket 😎“is it really a squidcraft day without sapnap moaning his whole sapussy out? 😳”@TacoAmigo777 Jan 28 george is smiling with his mouth open in the snapchat pfp & in the instagram post he’s smiling with his mouth closed. Replying to. the green geckos are so unserious 💀”“sapnap & george laughing at the scuba gear on their minecraft skins 😭💘💞💖”@TacoAmigo777. imagine if your fav was not able to go after spending all the time & money on traveling only for weather to ruin plans. alex @TacoAmigo777 #george: i’m glad you finally came out with the truth.